Parent Company: i-lanza Consultor y Asesor Independiente
Number of Employees: 3
Year Established: 2008
Contact 1: Irvin Lanza
Contact 1 Job Title: Owner Mgr
Barrio Providencia, 2da entrada
1 cda Norte y 1 cda Oeste Casa 35
Country: Honduras
Telephone: 504 99853267
Telephone 2: 504 97461804
Consulting and services experience in Low Carbon Steel Drawn Wire Industry and galvanization of steel wire, Industry advice on chain link fence, nails and staples, annealing wire and barb wire. Installation of electric fences, security cameras in Industry, small wire manufactures.
Products/Services: Consulting and services experience in drawing and galvanization of steel wire, Industry advice on chain link fence, nails and staples, annealing wire and barb wire. Installations of digital security systems.